Research &
Pre Production
Research is to support development of your product. You will need to develop and analyse skills & knowledge within documentary. Research is key to developing skills throughout the project. You need to reflect and show the process of research development within your production. For example researching into lighting techniques to then see the technique tested and evaluated within your production stage.
Use your research to analyse and understand your project product and theme. Remember to analyse a range and always think about further research, what could your initial research lead onto and how effective can it be?
Research should have a plan and each research task should consider AUDIENCE & PURPOSE. Reflect consistently as you go.
Suggested areas to research​
1. Research existing products (use the same theme)
Research 2-3 existing documentaries around the theme or genre that you have chosen (for example other documentaries about the hobby you would like to create). You want to analyse and understand areas such as, have the documentaries you looked at raise questions in your mind and then answer them or prolong answering them to keep you hooked? How did you find out about the characters in a quick/interesting way? What idea can you use?
Discuss some of the following, which one will help develop your own idea.
Which “mode” is it
Audience appeal
Genre conventions
Sound design
Interview styles
2. Researching job roles and responsibilities
Research roles and responsibilities needed to create your documentary, what does the role mean and how ill you fulfill/recruit someone to help with the task.
3. Action research
You need to choose 2-4 action research practical tests.
Practical research is very important to show a process of development. This will enable you to pick up new skills and develop existing ones. Action research will help improve technical skills that will be used within your documentary. You need to focus on what you want to improve and how it will help your final product. Show your research links on your blog and always reflect on the process! Use some of the links below if you are struggling to come up with something.
Choose either some of the following below or find your own research. You will need to justify as to WHY you have chosen the practical research and HOW it will help your skillset and project outcome.
Areas to consider:
Lighting - Three point lighting, improving the lighting for interviews etc.
Three point lighting -
How to use LED lights -
Microphone / audio tests - Test new sound equipment or ways of recording foley/dialogue.
Tascam setup -
Recording foley -
Cinematography - Testing camera techniques / movements. Understanding camera settings in detail. Interview set up tests, different styles and methods. B-roll / test scenario.
Ways of shooting an interview -
Camera transitions -
Testing equipment - Test new set ups sliders, grips, Ronin etc
Setting up a softbox light, camera transitions, Ronin stabilising shots.
Editing tutorials - Sound design for interviews/foley, editing colours, creating idents / moving text for interview names etc.
Audition beginners -
Making dialogue sound better -
Editing scenes for docs -
Interview techniques - Asking questions, setting up your background etc.
Ways to question in an interview -
Reading books, tutorials, websites
Feedback discussion with peers and updates / meetings.
4. Pre-Production
You need to create 4-6 pre production planning documents. Below is an order of priority. You need to justify WHY you are using the document and HOW it will help your project goals.
As you know, effective pre-production is essential for the success of any production. If you are working individually or collaboratively you will need to evidence your pre production and development using schedules, meetings, recordings, practical findings and much more. Below is an example for Film creation, you will need to create your own, depending on the project.
Script/interview questions - Example HERE
Storyboards - Example HERE
Shot list - Example HERE
Locations (identification; recces; limitations and risks, e.g. distance, access, cost and weather) - Example HERE
Personnel (Risk assessment & Call sheets) - Example HERE
Sound Plan (including ambience & foley recordings) - Example HERE
Materials (graphics, props, designs, equipment list) Example HERE
Set design - Interview set ups - Example HERE or can be photos of your backdrop on phones etc.
Time (deadlines, availability of equipment, availability of personnel, time scales for clearances. Production schedule) - Example HERE
Meetings (minutes of meeting/recorded)
Add work to your planner / organiser from your proposal to make sure you are on track to finish each area of the project!
5. Test Scene
You must create a 20-30 second test scene for your documentary. This MUST include B-roll, style of interview, colour grading and more.
This needs to be explained and linked to the brief. Link to the products purpose and audience and HOW you have improved your skills to help when it comes to the production.