Final Proposal & Action plan
Use the following headings and guides to create your final proposal. You will need to analyse and define a concise project overview understanding your project goals and outcomes. You will also need to plan your project overview and consider the development of your skills and or knowledge.
Write up the following on your blog proposal page.
Centre Name - Long Road Sixth Form
Centre Number - 22151
Project Title
A clear title to understand the product and project goals, for example creating a music video focusing on VFX skills.
(Approximately 100 words)
Which projects from this year were you most pleased with?
What skills have you learned?
From your final documentary idea, can you suggest ways in which your chosen idea will help you improve your skills?
(It may be that you especially struggled with, say the sound, or filming outside, or working with others)
What led you to want to do the idea you chose?
Project Concept
(Approximately 200 words)
How will you improve skills? testing, action research etc.
How will you achieve your aims of the project? Create and design a doc, improve soft & hard skills
What will your audience be and the purpose of your product? How will you hit your target audience (15-20 demographic using a participatory doc style)
What issues could be involved in creating the idea - travel, costs, people etc.
What ideas will support your doc? for example how to structure, modes of docs, where filming could take place, who will be involved etc.
What research resources will you use or consist of - existing doc review, meetings, testing equipment, location scouting etc. How will this help improve skills / develop the idea?
Consider ethical issues are that I would like a balance of genders… a mix of backgrounds… issues of safety… (eg when filming out and about)
(Approximately 50 words)
This section provides an opportunity for you to explain how you will reflect on and evaluate your work, both as an ongoing activity and at the conclusion of the project.
How will you record and reflect on your project - Reflective cycle, production diary, peer discussion...
Methods you can use to reflect & evaluate - Video/vlog/audio recording/written etc.
What areas will you evaluate? skills developed, problems and solutions, how research is used etc.
Project action plan / timetable
In your proposal you need to create an action plan. Break down the weeks/lessons to understand how long you need to spend on each area (Research & Pre Pro, Pro & Post Pro). Include tasks and resources. It is ok if this changes once you are doing your project, as long as you reflect throughout.
You need to create a table like the example below or use the template and screenshot on your blog