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Reflection &

Reflection & problem solving

In this context reflection relates to the application of intellectual curiosity and rigour in making judgements and establishing meaning and values, and the level of contemplation and deliberation necessary to progress and achieve identified goals.


Recording of your reflection and problem solving should be written analysis, audio recordings, meeting minutes, feedback discussions, peer discussions, emails etc. Any communication or discussions record and reflect throughout your process. 

Use your reflection & evaluation page to analyse and reflect on your processes, technical learning and activities, for example YouTube tutorials with tests, how the test has influenced your product, problems and solutions you faced with the software.. 

Reflection and problem, solving should be a consistent diary of activities and progress that has informed your decision making and planning. Difficult areas of problems should show solutions and processes throughout the project. 

Areas of reflecting relate to the following;

> Reflecting on how learning, activities and progress has informed decision making
> Using ongoing review to inform decision making and progress work within the specialist area
> Recording thought processes in visual, audio and written formats
> Analysing successes and identify key decisions
> Writing a final evaluation that references intention and assesses overall outcome



Reflect on your progress & process using some of the following examples;


- How well have you completed the tasks (Have you pushed yourself)

- How are they going to help you carry out the task.

- What new knowledge, experience or skills have you developed or improved throughout the process, how it will impact.

- How well did you work as a team?

- How well did you plan?

- Any problems encountered? How did you solve them?

- What do you still need to do/improve on?





In addition to your on-going reflections you must produce a summative analytical evaluation of your project/production that includes:

AO1: Use research to inform a specialist investigation in a visual arts area, considering purpose and audience. (approx. 200 words)​

  • Explain your reasons for choosing the project subject/concept, use of documentary conventions (e.g. mode, interview style B roll, piece to camera etc) and skills you wanted to develop  – consider purpose and audience (what was the purpose of your documentary, why did you want to develop particular skills, who was the target audience, how did your documentary appeal to that audience)

  • How have primary / secondary research, practical action research and pre production tasks supported the developing understanding of your subject?

  • Explain how you think these methods have supported and impacted on your development (hard and soft skills).



AO2: Explore and use materials and media in the generation of ideas and outcomes (approx. 100 words)

  • Reflect on all the research and media examples you have looked at helped you to generate ideas. Existing products, action research, pre production etc. 

  • How appropriate were they to the exploration and development of your ideas and outcomes? Were some more useful/ inspiring than others? Why?

  • How did you decide on your final idea (advantages/ disadvantages of other ideas). Make clear link to how your final idea would help you to develop your skills, show off your knowledge of media (especially documentary conventions) and appeal to your target audience.



AO3: Select and use techniques and processes to resolve creative problems and generate outcomes (approx. 200 words)

  • What were the most effective action research testing in supporting the exploration of your ideas?

  • What relevance/impact did these activities and tasks have to your outcomes/audience? How did they improve the quality of your work and help you to achieve your outcomes (purpose of documentary, skill development)

  • How comprehensive have you been in testing techniques and processes and how has this process of experimentation supported you in developing and refining ideas? Think about what you did for your action research and the impact it had on your documentary



AO4: Generate and communicate ideas and concepts supported by findings from research (approx. 100 words)​

  • How effective has your research been to impact on your ability to generate numerous ideas?  Why?

  • What impact did group/ team discussions, audience research and feedback have? How effectively did you use these to help develop and refine your ideas?


AO5: Use ongoing evaluation to inform and progress own work (approx. 100 words)

  • How effectively and with what impact has ongoing reflection & evaluation had on your developing work and progress? Give specific examples of feedback/ reflections about your work and how you change things because of this feedback/ reflecting



AO6: Refine, select, and present ideas and concepts, considering purpose and audience (approx. 100 words)

  • Explain your reasons for choosing a particular project subject/concept – consider purpose and audience.

  • Identify the aims and objectives that you were interested in developing when you started your final project. How effective have you been in reflecting on your developing work and progress against these targets?


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